Answered By: Amy Krug Last Updated: Sep 30, 2021 Views: 150
Computers in the Library (CL-200, CL-203, CL-207) will print to the printers in CL-203. Computers in CL-237 will print to the printer in CL-237.
Each student is credited with a set dollar amount for free printing at the beginning of each semester.
After you have used up your free allocation, you can purchase additional funds online using a credit or debit card.
Note: Alumni, noncredit students and guests are not given a free paper credit.
Printers are configured by default for duplex (double-sided) printing. If you prefer to print single-sided prints, that can be done by adjusting the printer properties or by contacting the lab staff for assistance - single-sided printing will use your printer credits at a faster rate.
Carefully manage your printing to be sure your request to print is what you want. The printing system displays information in several places to advise you of your print job size and balance of free pages remaining. We do not credit students for lost pages due to your error.
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