Answered By: Amy Krug Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023 Views: 161
Answered By: Amy Krug
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023 Views: 161
The Family Study Room provides study spaces for current HCC students who are studying on campus with their child(ren):
- CL204 - 3 work stations available.
To submit a request, you must use the online room bookings tool to request a station in the Family Study Room.
Please note the terms and conditions for using the Family Study Room:
- All users must follow the HCC Student Code of Conduct (contained in the Student Handbook) - be respectful of library spaces, students around you, and HCC Library Staff. Repeated violations of the terms and conditions may result in loss of Family Study Room privileges.
- A "family" will constitute at least 1 current HCC student with at least 1 child present.
- The HCC student may not leave their child(ren) unattended at any time.
- The door to the Family Study Room is automatically locked from the outside to ensure that HCC students with children have access. If the HCC Student and their child(ren) must leave the room for any reason, they need to report to the Service Desk to be readmitted.
- Within 15 minutes of the start of the reservation, the HCC student and at least 1 child need to be present and remain in the room for the duration of the reservation or the reservation may be canceled and the space open for booking by another family.
- The HCC student must keep the Family Study room clean after use.
- College provided changing facilities must be used for changing diapers. Restrooms with changing tables are accessible from the Galleria, near the elevator: on the first-floor in AC 107W and AC 107M, and on the second-floor in AC 208, an all-gender restroom.
- Personal headphones need to be used when listening to audio. The HCC student is responsible for providing headphones for their child(ren).
- Library staff may need to modify room requests in order to maximize availability of the Family Study Room - this may include changing requests, canceling requests, and/or reporting student code of conduct violations for not following space terms & conditions.
- Be courteous & exit the room by the end of your booking time.
- The Family Study Room is a shared space. Please keep conversations at a low volume.
HCC students are allowed to reserve up to three (3) hours per day for their family - three hours total use.