Answered By: Amy Krug Last Updated: Sep 10, 2020 Views: 693642
The word count for a page will vary depending on word length, font size and type, margin size, and spacing elements (single/double space, blank lines, subheadings, graphics).
For a page with 1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and minimal spacing elements, a good rule of thumb is 500 words for a single spaced page and 250 words for a double spaced page. Using this as an example, a 3-4 page double spaced paper is 750-1000 words, and a 7 page double spaced paper would be 1750 words.
Assignments often specify a research paper or essay length in terms of words, rather than pages - a paper of 750-1000 words or a paper of 1500-1750 words. This way a student's paper will still meet their instructor's length expectations, regardless of varying font size, margin size, or use spacing elements.
When viewing an electronic version of a student paper in MicroSoft Word, the exact word count can be easily determined. Some research assignments require students to include the word count of their paper.
Also, clarify with your instructor whether the words on the title page, abstract (if used), and reference list count toward the expected word/page count.
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