Answered By: Amy Krug Last Updated: Jan 20, 2021 Views: 120
Answered By: Amy Krug
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2021 Views: 120
If you have the name of a journal/magazine and need to see if the library has access to the journal/magazine in a library database:
- Go to the Library home page page (link below)
- Click the Journals A-Z link
- Type the name of the journal or magazine you need
- Look at the results to find which databases contain the full articles from a specific magazine/journal - look at the coverage dates too
- if there is nothing that matches the journal/magazine and the date you need, then the article is not available in the library's databases
- Pick a database which meets your needs
- Browse by date or search within the journal/magazine - this may vary depending on the database you select
If you have a citation for a specific magazine/journal article and need to see if the library has a copy of the article in a library database:
- Go to the Library home page (link below)
- Click the Citation Linker link
- Type the citation information into the appropriate search boxes
- Look at the results to find which databases contains the full article
- if there is nothing that matches your search, then the article is not available in the library's databases
- Pick a database which meets your needs
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