Answered By: Rich Black-Howell Last Updated: Nov 19, 2021 Views: 653
Answered By: Rich Black-Howell
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2021 Views: 653
Current HCC credit students, faculty and staff are eligible to borrow books from libraries that participate in the Maryland Community College Library Consortium (MCCLC) - participating libraries are listed at the end of this response.
What do I need to borrow books at a participating library?
- Bring a valid, current college ID from a participating community college.
- If the ID does not show the current semester, please carry an additional proof of registration, such as a registration statement.
- If the college ID does not have a picture, a photo ID must also be presented.
- Fill out and sign a MCCLC Reciprocal Borrowing registration form at the lending library.
- The lending library will determine if they will issue its own card, use the barcode/card from the HCC library, etc.
How long can I borrow books?
- Each library sets its own borrowing periods and conditions - how long and how many books you can check out.
- Books can be recalled by the lending library.
Where do I return the books?
You must return the books directly to the library you borrowed them from.
What if I don't get the books back on time?
- You will be responsible for all fines or fees owed as a result of lost or overdue materials.
- Each library charges its own overdue fines, processing fees, and surcharges, and has its own means of letting you know about costs you may owe.
- Lending libraries may revoke borrowing privileges if borrowing policies are not followed and/or use collection agencies.
- As a participating MCCLC member, the HCC Library will assist in retrieving books for the lending library, when requested to do so, using all procedures it normally uses to achieve the return of its own books.
Links & Files
- Allegany College of Maryland Libraries Opens in new window
- Anne Arundel Community College Opens in new window
- Baltimore City Community College Opens in new window
- Carroll Community College Opens in new window
- Cecil College Opens in new window
- Chesapeake College Opens in new window
- College of Southern Maryland Opens in new window
- The Community College of Baltimore County Opens in new window
- Frederick Community College Opens in new window
- Garrett College Opens in new window
- Hagerstown Community College Opens in new window
- Harford Community College Opens in new window
- Howard Community College Opens in new window
- Montgomery College Opens in new window
- Prince George's Community College Opens in new window
- Wor-Wic Community College Opens in new window
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