Other Colleges & Universities
Most college and university libraries only allow their own students to borrow materials - depending on the library, you may be able to go to another library and use the materials there. Library staff will be able to better assist you if you have specific titles - we can help determine if there are any area libraries that own those items and if you will be able to go there and use the materials.
Howard County Library System
Anyone who lives, works or attends schools in Howard County can obtain a public library card at the Howard County Library System - this card can be uses to check out materials from any public library in Maryland.
Faculty may be able to request books/articles by interlibrary loan. Some colleges and universities may have a means of obtaining a temporary faculty card for book borrowing - library staff may need to assist with the application process, and "reference letters".
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Howard Community College
10901 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, MD 21044
Text 443-918-6521