For the most part students may not check out audiovisual materials (DVDs, videos, CDs) - only faculty and staff may check these items out.
To find out if the Library owns a specific movie, search the Library Catalog using the title of the movie - it will provide the call number, collection & availability status of the play. You will need the call number to find the title you need - most of the library's DVD's are shelved in the Main Stacks with books and other materials on the same topic.
There are viewing stations in the Library and there is a Group Viewing Room (allows two or more current HCC students to use an audiovisual item together for academic/course videos).
Some courses might have an audiovisual item on Reserve - the professor may have decided to allow the item to go out for one night.
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Howard Community College
10901 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, MD 21044
Text 443-918-6521